Heavy Duty Mechanics are Essential for Repair of Commercial Trucks and Buses.

Commercial Trucks and Buses Can Require Extensive Maintenance

Heavy Duty Mechanics are Key to Commercial Truck and Bus Repair

Heavy duty mechanics are integral to the repair, overhaul and maintenance of commercial trucks and buses. These highly trained professionals inspect, test, diagnose and can detect mechanical and electrical issues.

The best approach to the complex task of repairing and refurbishing commercial trucks and buses is with teamwork. Through ongoing training, team building and trust, Extreme Garage has taken this to the next level. The company offers mechanical repair and service; light to heavy duty diesel and electrical engine repair and service; and air conditioning repair. It can service commercial trucks and buses at its licensed facility.

Extreme Garage

Refurbishment of Buses is a Labour Intensive Process

Anyone who takes transit regularly knows this truth: commercial trucks and buses break down. And as some fleets age, that occurrence can begin to seem the norm. It underlines the importance of refurbishment, repair and upgrading of transit vehicles.

Buses require refurbishment after 8 to ten years of use, to correct corrosion and normal wear and tear. The process of refurbishment is labour intensive and the length of the process – 4-8 weeks – depends largely on the extent of the structural corrosion of the bus. A full bus refurbishment can dramatically extend the life of a bus at one half the cost of a new one.

Refurbishment is essentially a five-step process. First all fixtures must be removed from the bus – a full strip-down of it. This enables the identification and replacement or repair of corroded areas. Mechanical repairs and upgrades are next including heaters and defrosters. As our climate warms, air conditioning repairs have also become a focus. The fourth step is rebuilding – the installation of new furniture and fixtures. Finally, there is the painting and addition of signage.

Collision and fire repair is more precise, and generally don’t take as long to complete as a full refurbishment. Upgrades – such as branding, interior seat overhauls and other modernization can also be part of either the refurbishment or repair process.

Extreme Garage

Heavy Duty Mechanics are in High Demand

Learning to repair and maintain heavy duty equipment – including buses – requires a great deal of training. Qualifying as a Heavy-duty equipment Technician involves on the job and in-class training, and takes up to three and a half years to complete. Demand for heavy duty (HD) mechanics is high and supply is low. The shortage has driven up wages that, with overtime, can reach $200,000 a year.

Heavy duty vehicle mechanics inspect, test, diagnose, tune, overhaul repair and maintain HD diesel and electrical units. They are trained to detect mechanical and electrical issues, repair and maintain the hydraulic components of engines.

Some of their fields of expertise include:
  • DPF Maintenance, service, and cleaning
  • Electrical diagnoses and repairs
  • Electric vehicle maintenance
  • Electric vehicle service and repair
  • HD powertrain service and repairs
  • HD front end and suspension
  • HD licensed DOT facility

It is essential that mechanics be up to grade with both conventional powertrains and the emerging hybrid and electric technologies. This is especially critical in a market like Toronto, where the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has committed itself to green growth and is building a fleet of electric buses. Along with expertise in repairs and upgrades, it is essential to adopt a pro-active approach to the rebuild of commercial trucks and buses, to stay ahead of trouble and avoid costly future breakdowns.

Contact Us

Extreme Garage
39 Doughton Road
Concord, ON L4K 1P8
(905) 760-7676
